குரு தரும் கோடீஸ்வர யோகம்.. 16 ஆண்டுகள் எந்த ராசிக்காரர்களுக்கு அள்ளித்தருவார் குரு பகவான்

Guru Peyarchi Palan 2023: Guru dasa Effects and Remedies Guru Peyarchi Palan 2023: If Guru Bhagwan is in a good position in one's horoscope then he will gives good yogas to the Jataka during his Dasa buddhi period. Income will be high, wealth will increase, influence will be gained, sons will be blessed, benefits will be due to sons. Let's see what benefits the Guru bhagavan can give to any zodiac

குரு தரும் கோடீஸ்வர யோகம்.. 16 ஆண்டுகள் எந்த ராசிக்காரர்களுக்கு அள்ளித்தருவார் குரு பகவான்
Guru Peyarchi Palan 2023: Guru dasa Effects and Remedies Guru Peyarchi Palan 2023: If Guru Bhagwan is in a good position in one's horoscope then he will gives good yogas to the Jataka during his Dasa buddhi period. Income will be high, wealth will increase, influence will be gained, sons will be blessed, benefits will be due to sons. Let's see what benefits the Guru bhagavan can give to any zodiac